Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Primary Domain on an other Linux Server
How to install GWIA on a Linux Server with its own Domain
How to install GroupWise Internet Agent on a Linux Server with its own Domain
Download and extract the latest Support Pack on the server that will hold the GWIA from
https://download.novell.com/patch/finder -
Extract the Software and browse to extractedSupportPack/consoleone/Linux and type ./c1-install to install ConsoleOne
Execute extractedSupportPack/install and click Install Products | GroupWise Administration | Install Administration. This will install ConsoleOne GroupWise snap-ins
Create a temporary directory /domain
Now, mount the primary domain using NCP (if the Primary Domain is on a server with NSS Volume) or using NFS or SMB (If on a server on ext3 volume) to /domain
Launch ConsoleOne and login to the tree and connect to mounted /domain
Right Click on the GroupWise System and click New | Domain and proceed with creating a secondary domain on the local server
Execute extractedSupportPack/install and click Install Products | GroupWise Agents | Install Agents. This will install the RPM for MTA and POA
Click Configure Agents and proceed with adding the newly created Domain
Once this is complete, click GroupWise Internet Agent | Install Internet Agent. This will install the RPM for GWIA
Click Configure Internet Agent and proceed with the configuration
Type rcgrpwise status to check the status of MTA and GWIA
Type rcgrpwise start to start the MTA and GWIA