Procedure to uninstall and then re-install GroupWise Webaccess 8 on SLES10

  • 7014514
  • 06-Feb-2014
  • 06-Feb-2014


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 3 Hot Patch 3


There is no uninstall program to remove GroupWise 8 Webaccess on linux, so how can you remove and re-install Webaccess  ?


  - SLES10 with OES2 or if using non-OES eDirectory or no eDirectory
    You will go to a linux terminal as "root" and issue the below commands:

1.  rcapache2 stop

2.  rcnovell-tomcat5 stop (SLES10 with OES2)

    rctomcat5 stop (SLES10 with non-OES eDirectory or no eDirectory)
3.  rcgrpwise stop webac80a.<GWDomainName>

4.  Delete the directory structure /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess, 

     rm -R /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess

5.  Delete the directory structure /opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess, 

     rm -R /opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess

6.  Delete the directory structure /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess, 

     rm -R /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess

7.  Delete 1 directory and 1 file in /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/webapps, 

     rm -R /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/webapps/gw

     rm /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/webapps/gw.war

8.   rpm -e novell-groupwise-webaccess

9.   rpm -e novell-groupwise-gwinter

10.  cd to /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/ , make sure there is not a file called "gwinter", if there is delete it.

11.  Make sure that your primary domain and any other domains in your GroupWise system show OPEN, to each other from the perspective of the MTA Web console.  :
  http://<MTAIPAddress>:7180, Status screen, CLOSED column, Domain ROW, showed by ZERO

  If any of the domains show CLOSED then there could be a problem with the deletion of the GW Webaccess object.

12.  Also it may be wise if you have any type of customization beyond the default of the Webaccess object under ConsoleOne, GroupWise view, Properties, do a screenshot of all the tabs under this object in case we need it after we re-install.  This is normally not needed if it a default installation of Webaccess, but to be safe...

13.  While in ConsoleOne, the GroupWise view, connect to the GroupWise domain that owns the GroupWise agent.

14.  Highlight the GroupWise domain object that owns the GroupWise Webaccess gateway, select on the top dropdown list, to show GATEWAYS.

15.  Hightlight the Webaccess Agent

16.  In case you have Webaccess access control configured, make a backup copy of the "gwac.db" file in the GroupWise Domain/wpgate/webac80a/ directory, maybe temporarily to your Windows Desktop.

17.  Delete the GroupWise Webaccess agent object, right click, Delete, YES to the prompt, do you really want to delete the object ? question.

18.  At the prompt "Would you like to delete the associated directory structure as well ?, 
     select YES.

19.  In the eDirectory container where the owning GroupWise domain object resides, highlight this domain, now on the right side of the screen it should show other objects, DELETE the below eDirectory objects:

  a.  WEBAC80A, GroupWiseWebaccess, GroupWiseWebPublisher, GroupWiseDocumentProvider, GroupWiseProvider, LDAPProvider.

20.  edit the file /etc/opt/novell/groupwise/gwha.conf, and find the section :
     [webac80a.<YourGroupWiseDomainName>] and remove this line and the 5 lines under this section
     so as to remove Webaccess from this configuration file.

21.  Go to a linux terminal as "root" and change directories to the location of the GroupWise 8 linux installation files and run ./install.  Normally this is located at /opt/novell/groupwise/software/

22.  At the dialog that says "Select the language for this installation from the choices below, choose the appropriate language and select the OK button.

23.  Select Install Products

24.  Select GroupWise Webaccess

25.  Select "Install Webaccess Agent" and when the progress bar goes to 100% click OK

26.  Select YES, at a possible prompt that might say "The following GroupWise components need to be updated on the server".

27.  Select "Configure Webaccess Agent", NEXT

     a.  Accept the License, Next, 
     b.  Type the IP address or dns host name of the Webaccess Agent linux server, NEXT, 

     c.  Browse to the GroupWise Domain directory that has and will again own the Webaccess agent (contains wpdomain.db), Click NEXT. 

     d.  Type the LDAP server ip address to query eDirectory so as to install the Webaccess agent object, type the ldap user name in ldap format , like cn=admin,o=novell and the password of this user in eDirectory.

     e.  Port will either be 389 or if secured with ssl then port 636.

     f.  Click NEXT

28.  On the resulting screen click the BROWSE button and select owning GroupWise Domain object in the location in eDirectory.  Click NEXT then the EXIT button.

29.  Choose Install Webaccess Application, then click OK

30.  Choose configure Webaccess Application, click NEXT, Accept the License, click NEXT.
     a.  Browse to the Webaccess Agents gateway directory, so if your GroupWise domain was
         /groupwise/mail/dom1, then you would browse to /groupwise/mail/dom1/wpgate/webac80a/

     b.  Click NEXT
     c.  Change Apache Path to be : /etc/apache2/conf.d

     d.  The Tomcat path should already be correct : /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/webapps

     e.  Click Next.

31.  Type the LDAP server ip address to query eDirectory so as to install the Webaccess agent object, type the ldap user name in ldap format , like cn=admin,o=novell and the password of this user in eDirectory.

     e.  Port will either be 389 or if secured with ssl then port 636.

     f.  Click NEXT

32.  On the resulting screen click the BROWSE button and select owning GroupWise Domain object in the location in eDirectory.  Click NEXT.

33.  If you get a dialog that says "The context you specified already contains one or more of the GroupWise Webaccess objects.  Click OK to use the existing objects or click Cancel and then specify a different context for the objects".  Just click OK.  then EXIT.  It you don't get this your good. 

34.  Exit the GroupWise install program.

35.  Restart Apache2 and Tomcat5 with : 
     a.  rcapache2 start

     b.  rcnovell-tomcat5 start
     rctomcat5 stop (SLES10 with non-OES eDirectory or no eDirectory)

36.   Copy the "gwac.db" file from your desktop (Step # 16) back to the /GroupWise Domain/wpgate/webac80a/ directory.  

37.  rcgrpwise start webac80a.<GWDomainName>

38.  Do "rcgrpwise status" at a linux terminal to make sure it is loaded - webac80a.<domainName>

39.  Login to the GroupWise Webaccess client now in an internet browser