Novell GroupWise Mobility Service 2.0
1. Attempting to setup a new Exchange ActiveSync mail account on an iOS device shows the error on the device :
2. Attempting to setup a new Exchange ActiveSync mail account on an Android device shows the error on the device :"Exchange Account, Unable to verify account information"
3. Attempting to connect or synchronize mail from your iOS device to Mobility shows the device error :"Couldn't finish, couldn't open a connection to server"
4. Attempting to connect or synchronize mail from your Android device to Mobility shows the device error :"Cannot get mail, the connection to the server failed"
"Internal Error"
5. At the time of these above problem events if you look in the /var/log/datasync/connectors/mobility-agent.log file, you will see a similar error :
"2014-01-31 10:56:09.777 ERROR [DeviceInterfaceMonitor_Thread] [DeviceInterface:166] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:][Server] Problem with SSL [Errno 98] Address already in useTraceback (most recent call last):File "./mobility/lib/device/DeviceInterface.py", line 162, in runFile "./mobility/lib/device/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 1664, in starterror: [Errno 98] Address already in use"
Mobility was setup to use SSL, which by default uses port 443, It was discovered that the Apache2 web server daemon was running on the Mobility server, which also uses port 443. There was
a port conflict. Once Apache2 was shut down ("rcapache2 stop", "rcnovell-tomcat6 stop") and Mobility was restarted these problems went away.
Additional Information
Check to make sure that Apache2 and Tomcat5 or 6 do not automatically start when the server restarts, to avoid a conflict in the future.
You can issue the command at a linux terminal as "root" of :
chkconfig apache2 (If the response is "on" , then turn it off with "chkconfig apache2 off")chkconfig novell-tomcat5 (SLES10, if you have OES2 installed, If the response is "on" , then turn it off with "chkconfig novell-tomcat5 off")orchkconfig tomcat5 (SLES10, if you do not have OES2 installed, If the response is "on" , then turn it off with "chkconfig tomcat5 off")orchkconfig novell-tomcat6 (SLES11, if you have OES11 installed, If the response is "on" , then turn it off with "chkconfig novell-tomcat6 off")orchkconfig tomcat6 (SLES11, with no OES11 installed, If the response is "on" , then turn it off with "chkconfig tomcat6 off")