Moving a shared file clears the shared by/with me areas

  • 7014311
  • 17-Dec-2013
  • 29-Jan-2014


Novell Filr 1.0.1
Novell Filr 1.0.1 Desktop client


When a file which is shared with one or more Filr users (via the Filr Desktop client) is moved from it's original location to another location (such as a sub-folder), it clears the 'shared by me' and 'shared with me' areas. Even if the the moved file is re-shared (via the Filr Desktop client), the 'shared by me' and 'shared with me' areas do not show the shared file.


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 1.0.1 Hot Patch 1, available via the Novell Patch Finder.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
  1. User-1 and User-2 are setup with Novell Filr Desktop clients.
  2. Using the Novell Filr Desktop client, User-1 shares a file (testfile.xlsx) from his home directory with User-2.
  3. Using the Filr Web access (browser) User-2 views the 'Shared with me' area and verifies he can see file shared in step 2.
  4. Using the Novell Filr Desktop client, User-1 moves the file (testfile.xlsx) to a new location/sub-directory in his Home folder.
  5. Now since the share gets deleted after a move operation, wait till the shared file is removed from User-2's 'Shared with me' area.
  6. Using the Novell Filr Desktop client, User-1 re-shares the same file (testfile.xlsx) with User-2 again.
  7. User-2's 'Shared with me' does not have the file shared in step 6
  8. User-1's 'Shared by me' does not have the file shared in step 6