Linux Satellite Server stops processing and ZCM agent log file shows often an error of too many open files

  • 7014190
  • 27-Nov-2013
  • 06-Jan-2014


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2


Linux Satellite server stops working.
ZCM agent jsvc process (running as root user) goes into hang state.
ZCM agent process does neither stop nor can it be killed.

lsof shows the file file open many times by the ZCM agent process.

Error message in zmd-messages.log:
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [***************** Exception Dump ***********************] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [Exception fetching network interfaces details.] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [Message: Too many open files] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [Exception Type: class] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [Stack: Method)] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] [] []
[ZenworksAgent] [38] [NwIfManager] [***************** End Exception Dump ***********************] [] []



For ZCM 11.2.4 Monthly Update 1: A fix for this issue is intended to be included in a future update to the product: however, in the interim, Novell has made a Patch available for testing, in the form of a Field Test File (FTF): it can be obtained at as "ZCM 11.2.4 MU1 fix for Linux Satellite Server stops processing: "too many open files" - see TID 7014190". This Patch should only be applied if the symptoms above are being experienced, and are causing problems.

This Patch has had limited testing, and should not be used in a production system without first being checked in a test environment. Some Patches have specific requirements for deployment, it is very important to follow any instructions in the readme at the download site. Please report any problems encountered when using this Patch, by using the feedback link on this TID.

For ZCM 11.2.4: A fix for this issue is intended to be included in a future update to the product: however, in the interim, Novell has made a Patch available for testing, in the form of a Field Test File (FTF): it can be obtained at as "ZCM 11.2.4 fix for Linux Satellite Server stops processing: "too many open files" - see TID 7014190". This Patch should only be applied if the symptoms above are being experienced, and are causing problems.

This Patch has had limited testing, and should not be used in a production system without first being checked in a test environment. Some Patches have specific requirements for deployment, it is very important to follow any instructions in the readme at the download site. Please report any problems encountered when using this Patch, by using the feedback link on this TID.


Any time the ZCM Agent verifies/reads its configuration, the file gets opened. The ZCM agent is coded to always close the related file descriptor again but they keep showing as open.