609 error on report sync status

  • 7014099
  • 12-Nov-2013
  • 12-Nov-2013


NetIQ eDirectory
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Microsoft Windows Server 2008


Doing a report sync status reports a 609 error to a specific object causing discrepancies in sync.
Ndsrepair -E only reports a 609 on one object under one partition belonging to one specific server
Report Sync Status on Dsrepair in windows reports only a 609 on one object under one partition belonging to one specific server
Ndsrepair -R on Linux server does not clear up error
Local Database repair on Windows server does not clear up error
609 error prevents any and all replica operations


1.      Make note of the specific object that the 609 error is reporting to

2.      Make note of the partition and the server that the 609 error reports under
3.      Open up iMonitor to the server in question and enable advanced options

To enable advanced options in iMonitor do the following:

         Log into iMonitor [ip address of server:8030/nds] as a tree admin or user with equivalent rights

         Click the NDS iMonitor logo at the top left corner of the page

         Under "NDS iMonitor Configuration" select the 'Enabled' for the Advanced Mode

         Click submit.

4.      Using iMonitor navigate to the object that the 609 error reports

5.      Click the object in question to bring up the attribute page for the object

6.      Under the attributes section on the left hand side of the page make note of all the attributes listed

7.      Under the Replicas option on the left hand side of the page begin navigating each server in the list.

         If clicking any server in the Replica list brings up an error manually navigate to that server's iMonitor page using a different browser window.

8.      Note that the server in question will have less attributes listed for the object than other servers in the Replica list

9.      Verify that only the server in question has incomplete attributes for the object in question

10.  Navigate to a server in the Replica list that has a complete attribute list for the object in question

11.  Click "Advanced Options" on the left hand side of the screen

12.  Select "Send Entry to Replicas (sendobj)" option from the list and click ok

13.  Using the replica list in iMonitor select the server in question and verify that the object in question has received all attributes

14.  Use Ndsrepair -E or Report Sync Status on Dsrepair to verify that the error has cleared


A 609 error is reported when an object is missing mandatory attributes.  Because of this synchronization will halt due to the missing attributes and syncronization will not continue until the object is repaired.

Additional Information

To check what attributes a particular object should have in iMonitor click "Schema". Then under Class Definitions click "Base". Then on the left hand side scroll down until you find the type of object in question. The list will show which attributes are required and which are optional.