Cannot receive external mail

  • 7014096
  • 12-Nov-2013
  • 12-Nov-2013


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux


Orphaned defunct POA processes
ps aux |grep gwpoa shows defunct POA processes that cannot be killed
Unable to receive external email
MTA webconsole shows POA as closed even after restarting the POA


  1. Restart the GroupWise server
  2. Confirm that the server has been restarted by using the uptime command
  3. Confirm that only one POA process exists  per post office by using  the command ps aux |grep gwpoa
  4. Check MTA webconsole to verify that the link to the POA is open


GroupWise mounted on an NSS volume on OES 2 has an issue of POA going defunct while trying to go down. This causes multiple processes to show for only one POA. Shutting down the POA and restarting it does not clear up the defunct processes. These processes cannot be killed via the kill -9 command.