Cannot add new servers to the zone after upgrading to ZCM 11.2.4, ZCM 11.3.1, or ZCM 11.3.2

  • 7014023
  • 30-Oct-2013
  • 25-Jun-2015


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.4
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3.1
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3.2


After upgrading the zone to ZCM 11.2.4, attempting to add a new server to the zone using the ZCM 11.2 ISO, ZCM 11.3.0 ISO or the ZCM Virtual Appliance

Error: "This version of ZENworks is not compatible with the version (11.2.4) found in the zone"
Error: "This version of ZENworks is not compatible with the version (11.3.1) found in the zone"
Error: "This version of ZENworks is not compatible with the version (11.3.2) found in the zone"


  1. Determine the "first" primary in the zone. If uncertain, the following SQL can be used to return the name of the server
    SELECT zZENObject.Name FROM  zZENObject,zZENServerRoles WHERE zZENObject.ZUID = AND zZENServerRoles.Roles = 'MasterPrimary'
    If this does not return a server, contact Novell Technical Support for help in setting this role correctly.
  2. On the "first" primary server, take a backup copy of ZenServerVersion.xml
    Linux: /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/ZenServerVersion.xml
    Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\ZenServerVersion.xml
  3. edit the file (ZenServerVersion.xml)
    1. search for
             <void property="versionNumber">
    2. In the next line, replace 11.2.4 with 11.2.0 (or 11.3.1/11.3.2 with 11.3.0)
    3. repeat this two more times (there are three places in total to be updated)
    4. save the file
  4. retry the install of the new server in the zone
  5. When the install is complete, replace ZenServerVersion.xml with the saved copy from step 2


Reported to Engineering