Stop c000021A on target machine

  • 7014016
  • 29-Oct-2013
  • 29-Oct-2013


NetIQ PlateSpin Forge
NetIQ PlateSpin Migrate
NetIQ PlateSpin Protect


When attempting to Test Failover, Copy, or Move a Windows workload the target fails to boot.  The following is seen in the "blue screen" on the target:

STOP: c000021A {Fatal System Error}
The Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000003a (parameter1 parameter2).
The system has been shut down.


It is necessary to modify how volumes are mounted on the source:

1. Go to Start -> Run and run regedit
2. Locate the following key:


3. Change the value of the NoAutoMount setting to 0
4. If using Migrate, refresh details of the source workload
5. Run another replication or migration

Additional Information

As no reboot is required for this setting to take effect on the target, the registry key can be changed back to its previous value after the migration/Test Failover completes.  For more information on the NoAutoMount registry key, please review the following: