How to perform an unattended registration of a target physical machine.

  • 7013485
  • 21-Oct-2013
  • 05-May-2016


NetIQ PlateSpin Migrate 9.3 and above
NetIQ PlateSpin Protect 10.4 and above
NetIQ PlateSpin Forge 3.4 and above


This knowledge base article provides instructions on how to perform an unattended registration of a target physical machine.


a) Steps to create bootofx.x2p.iso to perform unattended registration of a target physical machine:

           1. Copy the Physical Target boot ISO file (bootofx.x2p.iso) to any Linux machine.

           2. Mount the ISO file as a root user using the following command:

                 mount –o loop <path of the iso file> /mnt

           3. Copy the file /mnt/tools/ to any directory (example: /tmp)

           4. Unmount the ISO file.
                  umount /mnt

          5. Navigate to the directory where the above script was copied and execute it as the following syntax:

                  ./ <SOURCE> <-m32|-m64> <-i ISO file>

                NOTE: SOURCE must be one or more of the following parameters:
                     -d path to the directory containing drivers (that is, *.ko files) to inject
                     -c path to the ConfigureTakeControl.xml file

               For example:
                       ./ -c UpdatedConfigureTakeControl.xml -m64 -i bootofx.x2p.iso
          6. The bootofx.x2p.iso will be updated (overwritten) with the  file created above.

b) How to create a cusotmized ConfigureTakeControl.xml to help auto register
         1. Here are contents of ConfigureTargetControl.xml if using dhcp address:

             <LinuxTakeControlParameters xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

             <!-- Enter the URL of the PowerConvert Server -->
             <!-- If you would like DHCP, set NicIndex to "-1". If not, change to the index of the nic that you desire -->
             <!-- Enter the IP address of the machine only if: 1) NicIndex is >= 0 and 2) in the format: <ip address>:<>:<default gateway>:<subnet mask> -->
            <!-- If you have SSL enabled, choose to either "Ignore" or "Enforce" SSL Certificate warnings -->
            <!-- Enter the PowerConvert Network that you would like register this machine on -->
            <!-- Enter the hostname of the machine that you would like while the machine is under control -->
            <!-- Enter the user name of the account that will be connecting and authenticating to the PowerConvert server -->
            <!-- Enter the name of the account that will be connecting and authenticating to the PowerConvert server -->
            <!-- Enter the passowrd of the account that will be connecting and authenticating to the PowerConvert server -->


       2. Here are the contents of ConfigureTargetControl.xml if using static address:

          <LinuxTakeControlParameters xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

          <!-- Enter the URL of the PowerConvert Server -->
          <!-- If you would like DHCP, set NicIndex to "-1". If not, change to the index of the nic that you desire -->
         <!-- Enter the IP address of the machine only if: 1) NicIndex is >= 0 and 2) in the format: <ip address>:<>:<default gateway>:<subnet mask> -->
         <!-- If you have SSL enabled, choose to either "Ignore" or "Enforce" SSL Certificate warnings -->
         <!-- Enter the PowerConvert Network that you would like register this machine on -->
         <!-- Enter the hostname of the machine that you would like while the machine is under control -->
         <!-- Enter the user name of the account that will be connecting and authenticating to the PowerConvert server -->
         <!-- Enter the name of the account that will be connecting and authenticating to the PowerConvert server -->
         <!-- Enter the passowrd of the account that will be connecting and authenticating to the PowerConvert server -->


Additional Information

PowerConvertUrl syntax:  http://ip_address_of_protect_server/PlateSpinMigrate or https://ip_address_of_protect_server/PlateSpinMigrate
NOTE: Values for Domain: Protect_Server_Domain (Its the same as browser access for Protect or Migrate URL that shows for example:
"The server runs as Protect_Server_Domain\PlateSpin"