Overlapping rules have unexpected results - moves according to rule with fewer conditions

  • 7013390
  • 01-Oct-2013
  • 01-Oct-2013


Novell GroupWise 2012 Support Pack 2


Overlapping rules have unexpected results - moves according to rule with fewer conditions.
GroupWise Rules do not work or perhaps not working properly.
Please see the steps for reproduction below for further details.


Steps for Reproduction:
  1. Create two Rules (Tools | Options | Rules):
    • Rule #1: Move any new items that contain the subject 'Testing' and the Message 'abc' to Folder1
    • Rule #2: Move any new items that contain the subject 'Testing' to Folder2
  2. Send two emails to yourself:
    • Email #1:
           Subject: Testing
           Message: abc
    • Email #2:
           Subject: Testing
  3. Execute the rules (Tools | Options | Rules | Run):
    • Messages are in Folder2 when Email #1 should be in Folder1. Message with body 'abc' goes to Folder2.
    • Folder2 now contains both messages while Folder1 remains empty until you run Rule #1 manually.


Reported to Engineering