Net Folders sub folders or documents missing

  • 7013327
  • 18-Sep-2013
  • 14-Mar-2014


Novell Filr 1.0.0
Novell Filr 1.0.1


Net folder syncs properly and part of the data shows up in Filr but some folders/sub-folders or files remain missing.


After confirming permissions are the same for those folders and files as the files that do show up in Filr, there are a few other known potential causes for missing folders and files:
  1. The files or folders are hidden or system files.
    FAMT does NOT sync hidden or system files.  If they are hidden or system by mistake, the files and folders can be changed to be normal files.  The folders or files will then show up on the next sync.

  2. The folder contains a file with "%20" in the name which may cause the whole folder to not show any content.
    A fix for this is available in Filr 1.0.1 HP1 available via the Novell Patch Finder (NEW)

  3. One or more trustees of the folder contain an extended character (such as æ, å, ø, û, ü, ä)
    A fix for this is available in Filr 1.0.1 HP1 available via the Novell Patch Finder (NEW)

    Note: Chinese/Japanese/Korean double-byte characters in trustee/user names do not work. Active Directory users with extended characters are not addressed in this fix.

Additional Information

For the %20 issue, you may see this in the extended FAMT log:
Sep 11 15:18:05 HOST [XTCOM]: DEBUG:[LWP:2767]CIFSOperations::ListAll: tpath = smb://HOST/SUBFOLDER/MISSINGFOLDER/Picture%20With%20Space.jpg
Sep 11 15:18:05 HOST [XTCOM]: DEBUG:[LWP:2767]famt_cifs_auth_fn_with_ctx: called
Sep 11 15:18:05 HOST [XTCOM]: DEBUG:[LWP:2767]famt_cifs_auth_fn_with_ctx: pAuData = 0x7fc1ac007540
Sep 11 15:18:05 HOST [XTCOM]: ERROR:[LWP:2767]CIFSOperations::ListAll: SMBC_Getxattr: failed: 2
Sep 11 15:18:05 HOST [XTCOM]: ERROR:[LWP:2767]FAMTOperations::ProceeRequest failed unc: //HOST/SUBFOLDER/MISSINGFOLDER/ identity: session: VZan2sdfsU1xxEp/Bt8Ctg==
Sep 11 15:18:05 HOST [XTCOM]: ERROR:[LWP:2767]thread_handler: request processing failed

For the extended characters in trustee name,
you may see this in the FAMT log:

The /var/opt/novell/filr/log/famt.log shows entries similar to:
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: ERROR:Trustees::PopulateTrusteeList:ID to name failed of DATA:\Materials, ccode:0xfffffe0d
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: ERROR:Trustees::GetFirstTrustee: Trustee List is not populated
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: WARNING:ProcessPropFind_AllProp: Get Directory Effective Rights: \\OES11\DATA\Materials, failed status = 0xc7fa0003
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: WARNING:ProcessPropFind_AllProp:NCFsdBasicEnumDirectory failed status: 0xc7e70009
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: ERROR:Trustees::isInherited: ID to name failed of DATA:\Materials, ccode:0xfffffe0d
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: ERROR:NCPOperations::ProceeRequest failed unc: \\OES11\DATA\Materials\White Boards\ identity: cn=FiLRProxy.ou=EMEA.o=Novell session: +f+8kVfOcAb5QM6izmpbEA==
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: ERROR:thread_handler: request processing failed
Aug  6 08:52:26 Filr01 [XTCOM]: ERROR:sendStatus: sending status ret: -1