Filr 1.0.1 update wizard taking a long time to finish

  • 7013326
  • 18-Sep-2013
  • 26-Sep-2013


Novell Filr 1.0.1


When updating from Filr 1.0.0 appliance to Filr 1.0.1, the update wizard (via the Appliance Configuration Utility on Port 9443) may take from a few minutes to over an hour for the update to complete,


It is normal for the Filr Update Wizard to take a long time for a very large Filr site especially one with a very large database. Please do not interrupt the update Wizard while it works in the background to update. During this time, you may notice high CPU utilization on the database server.

In case you have not yet started the update process and your database size is over 25GB, it is recommended you work with Novell Technical Support to manually update the database to avoid any unforeseen/undesirable consequences.

Additional Information

Development has been notified to improve the message provided by the Update Wizard which says the update should finish within 5 minutes.