NAM 3.2 Access Gateway path based service selection is path case sensitive when 3.1 LAG was not

  • 7013265
  • 12-Sep-2013
  • 18-Sep-2013


NetIQ Access Manager 3.2
NetIQ Access Manager 3.2 Access GAteway


Access Manager 3.1.4 ir1 upgrade to 3.2.1. The 3.1 LAG was upgraded to the 3.2 MAG appliance. All other NAM components were running on Linux

After completing the upgrade to 3.2.1 from 3.1.4,  the path based proxies are not working correctly. An example is in 3.1.4 we had a path based multi-home set up with the "/" set to one server and the "/provider" path on another, where the path definition is all in lower case. However the users were provided a link with the case set to "/Provider".

Now it appears that the the string match is not successful with 3.2. You can see this with the following URLs: and

The 1st URL does not match the rule and sends the request to another server that does not contain the application.
The 2nd URL matches and sends the traffic to the right server.


Apply 3.2.2 IR 1 and enabled the following Advanced Option:

ProxyPassIgnorePathCase on