How to determine what GroupWise items were deleted from a device

  • 7013244
  • 10-Sep-2013
  • 26-Jun-2014


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


How to determine what GroupWise items were deleted from a device.
How to find out what emails or appointments were removed because a device requested it.


  1. See TID 7015282  - How to install dsapp on a Mobility server.
    Note: Once dsapp is loaded, proceed with the steps below.
  2. Select User Issues | List subjects of deleted items from device
  3. Provide the userid

Additional Information

The following command can be used to discover the information described in the Situation:
cat default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log* | grep -i -A 8 "<origSourceName>userid</origSourceName>" | grep -i -A 2 "<type>delete</type>" | grep -i "<creationEventID>" | cut -d '.' -f4- | sed 's|<\/creationEventID>||g' | sed 's| |\\n|g' | while read -r line; do grep -A 20 $line default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log* | grep -i subject; done
  • Replace userid with the correct userid
Note: The command can only be ran while in the following directory: