Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (OES11SP1)
Domain Services for Windows
Domain Services for Windows
When a workstation is joined to an Active Directory domain, the operationSystemVersion attribute is automatilcy populated. This attribute is used by tools such as Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT).
As of the July Maintenance Patch for OES11SP1 DSfW does not automatically update populate the operationSystemVersion attribute when a workstation joins the domain.
See TID 7014322 [NETLOGON] Workstation failed to authenticate: 0xc0000022 for more info.
See TID 7014322 [NETLOGON] Workstation failed to authenticate: 0xc0000022 for more info.
The addition of the populating of the operatingSystem attributes has been implemented with the November 2013 Maintenance Patch for OES11SP1
The patch populates
The operatingSystem attributes will be populated on logon or when a workstation is joined to the domain and the computer object is created. .
If the computer object already exists run the update_computer_acls.pl script seen in the additional section.
Joining (no computer object exists) or running the update_computer_acls.pl will add 3 ACLs to the computer objects.
In this example the computer name is WINDOWS7PC1:
acl: 6#entry#cn=WINDOWS7PC1-01,cn=Computers,o=oes11sp1#operatingSystem
acl: 6#entry#cn=WINDOWS7PC1-01,cn=Computers,o=oes11sp1#operatingSystemVersion
acl: 6#entry#cn=WINDOWS7PC1-01,cn=Computers,o=oes11sp1#operatingSystemServicePack
The ACLs will be created when a workstation joins the domain. If a workstation is already joined to the domain it is recommended to run the update_computer_acls.pl first, then rejoin the computer to the domain. Otherwise the 3 ACLs will not be added to an existing computer object.
Additional Information
Download the update_computer_acls script from dsfwdude.com
or create a script to update existing workstation objects ACLs
Script Name: update_computer_acls.pl
Copy the contents below into the file named update_computer_acls.pl, then make the script executable (chmod +x update_computer_acls.pl), and run the script.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $debug = 0;
my $domain_nc = `/opt/novell/xad/share/dcinit/printConfigKey.pl 'Domain NC'`;
my @ldap_output=`LDAPCONF=/etc/opt/novell/xad/openldap/ldap.conf ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -s sub -b $domain_nc 'objectclass=msds:computer' dn -LLL -o ldif-wrap=no`;
if ($? != 0) {
my $err = $? >> 8;
print "Failed to search the computer objects : $err : [@ldap_output]\n";
exit -1;
my @all_computers = grep (!/ou=domain controllers,/ig, @ldap_output);
@all_computers = grep (/^dn:/ig, @all_computers);
my $ldif_file = "/var/opt/novell/xad/ds/domain/update_computer_acls.ldif";
open LDIFFILE,">$ldif_file"
or die('Could not open the ldif file \n');
foreach my $computer (@all_computers) {
print "Updating acls on computer [$computer]\n" if ($debug);
my $computer_cn = $computer;
$computer_cn =~ s/^dn: //i;
print LDIFFILE "$computer\n";
print LDIFFILE "changeType: modify\n";
print LDIFFILE "add: ACL\n";
print LDIFFILE "ACL: 6#entry#$computer_cn#operatingSystem\n";
print LDIFFILE "ACL: 6#entry#$computer_cn#operatingSystemVersion\n";
print LDIFFILE "ACL: 6#entry#$computer_cn#operatingSystemServicePack\n\n";
print "Updating the ACLs on the computer objects \n" if ($debug);
my @output = `LDAPCONF=/etc/opt/novell/xad/openldap/ldap.conf ldapmodify -Q -c\\
-Y EXTERNAL -f $ldif_file 2>&1`;
my $err = $? >> 8;
if ($? != 0 and $err != 20) {
chomp (@output);
print "Failed to update ACLs on computer object : $err: [@output]\n";
exit -1;
else {
print "Successfully updated the ACLs on the computer objects \n";