Rights issues after migrating from posix NCP volume to NSS

  • 7013203
  • 04-Sep-2013
  • 04-Sep-2013


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux Support Pack 1
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux


After migrating data from posix NCP volume to an NSS volume using migfiles, users can no longer access their data files or home directories on the volume.  The folders appear empty.


Fixed in July 2013 OES Scheduled Maintenance update for OES2SP3, OES11, and OES11SP1


After digging into this further we found that the migration process was putting an inherited rights filter on all the directories and files so the user with specific trustees to directories can see the directory but not any files inside of it. (because of IRF on each file inside the directory).

Root Cause:
Inherited rights Filter [IRF] for Files and Directory are not getting restored from NCP to NCP / NSS volumes because while backing up the NCP data SMS was sending improper request to NCP and NCP also was sending incorrect IRFs to SMS.

Additional Information

Migfiles command used to duplicate:
/opt/novell/migration/sbin/migfiles -s <IP ADDRESS> -PX /media/vols/ -x /media/nss/TEST3/ --debug -i