Standard Credential Provider after NetIQ Client installation

  • 7013159
  • 28-Aug-2013
  • 28-Aug-2013


NetIQ Advanced Authentication 4.8


I’m using Windows 7. After the NetIQ Client was successfully installed I restarted the computer. But after pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del I see the standard prompting of password without any NetIQ references and without any way to select another authentication type. I can enroll the authenticator after logon using NetIQcredentials application from Control Panel.


  1. Please open the NetIQ folder with CredentialProvider.dll at Program Files and register this dll manually: regsvr32 CredentialProvider.dll
  2. Ensure that you don’t have the software that can block the third-party credential providers. It can be any DLP software.

Additional Information

Formerly known as 0047.