Don’t see NetIQ tab in ADUC

  • 7013154
  • 28-Aug-2013
  • 28-Aug-2013


NetIQ Advanced Authentication 4.8


I can’t find NetIQtab of user properties in Active Directory Users and Computers.


  1. Please ensure that you have NetIQ Administrative Tools component installed on this server.
  2. Ensure that ADUC was closed during installation. Please try to uninstall it, restart the machine and install it again.
  3. Try to open ADUC using cmd: dsa.msc
  4. Check the existence of registry nodes: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MMC\Snapins\{A1AC2E83-2C4A-4200-A875-170F728152C0} and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MMC\NodeTypes\{bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2}. If no, please collect the MSI logs: msiexec /i “installername”.msi /l*v “fullpathtothelogfile”.
  5. Check the existence of NetIQ tab in user’s properties in NetIQ UserViewer MMC.
  6. Look for any errors in Event Viewer after opening of ADUC.
  7. Create a new SR and describe what you did and what you got on all of these actions in details.

Additional Information

Formerly known as 0052.