How to obtain NetIQ Access Manager logs for NetIQ plugin

  • 7013153
  • 28-Aug-2013
  • 28-Aug-2013


NetIQ Advanced Authentication 4.8


How to obtain NetIQ Access Manager logs for NetIQ plugin


To enable NetIQ Access Manager logs please do the following:

  1. Open NetIQ Access Manager web console: https://<NAMServerPath>:<NAMServerPort>/nps/.
  2. Follow menu: Devices – Identity Servers – IDP-Cluster.
  3. In General tab open menu Logging.
  4. Set the following options:
    File logging: Enabled;
    Echo to console: Enabled;
    Set Application and Liberty Component File Logger Levels to debug.
  5. Press Apply, then OK.
  6. Switch to menu: Devices – Identity Servers.
  7. In Identity Servers list click Update All for IDP-Cluster.
  8. Update all configurations. Wait until Status becomes Current.
  9. Switch to menu: Devices – Access Gateways.
  10. In Access Gateways list click Update All for AG-Cluster.

Then reproduce the issue again.

To obtain the logs:
  1. Open NetIQ Access Manager web console: https://<NAMServerPath>:<NAMServerPort>/nps/.
  2. Follow menu: Auditing- General Logging.
  3. Check log /var/opt/novell/nam/logs/idp/tomcat/catalina.out in Identity Servers group.
  4. Also copy full URL string from browser.

Additional Information

Formerly known as 0053.