Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Mobility mail sync is slow. Slow sync with emails, calendar, tasks, etc.
How to find a hung or stuck SOAP thread on a GroupWise POA
Sync slow for some and/or all users
How to find a slow POA (Mobility)
How to find a hung or stuck SOAP thread on a GroupWise POA
Sync slow for some and/or all users
How to find a slow POA (Mobility)
Sometimes Mobility will have a build up of events in the GroupWise connector that is caused by hung threads on a single POA. Please follow the steps below to identify a potential problem POA that is slowing down the Mobility server:
- At the time of writing this TID, Global Status Monitoring is a preview feature and has to be enabled.
See documentation for Enabling the Global Status Monitor. - WebAdmin | View Global Monitor | Select POAs - a list of POAs is now displayed - perhaps there is a POA with an unusually high latency identified here in this list.
- If a single POA has been identified from the above steps, then proceed to that POA's WebConsole (see documentation). Otherwise, check all POAs in the GroupWise Monitor list from WebAdmin.
- POA WebConsole | Status | SOAP Threads - a list of SOAP threads is displayed with perhaps a hung thread with state other than Idle with high Time Elapsed.
- Restart the POA with the stuck SOAP thread(s).
Note: This is the only way to release the hung thread.
SOAP thread is stuck, hung, frozen preventing good performance for Mobility.