How to rename GroupWise agents' queue directories and rebuild databases

  • 7013078
  • 20-Aug-2013
  • 22-Jul-2015


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 8
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server


How to rename GroupWise agents' queue directories
Message queue directories are abnormally high and not processing.
Mails being resent, over and over again.
Admin messages or tasks, emails stuck in queues.


The following provides steps on how to rename the queue directories, with an optional step to rebuild the database for the following GroupWise agents:

Post Office Agent (POA)
  1. From a terminal window, stop the POA:
    rcgrpwise stop <POA-name>.<MTA-name>
    (ie: rcgrpwise stop PO1.DOM1)
  2. Browse to the directory of the PO.
  3. Rename wpcsin and wpcsout to wpcsin.old and wpcsout.old.
  4. (Optional) Steps for rebuilding the PO from the owning domain:
    • Rename wphost.db to wphost.old
    • Connect to the owning domain.
    • Right-click the PO, select GroupWise Utilities | System Maintenance | Rebuild Database.
    • Select Run - verify the path to the PO is correct.
  5. From a terminal window, start the POA.
    (ie: rcgrpwise start PO1.DOM1)

Message Transfer Agent (MTA):

  1. From a terminal window, stop the MTA:
    rcgrpwise stop <MTA-name>
    (ie: rcgrpwise stop DOM1)
  2. Browse to the directory of the DOM.
  3. Rename wpcsin, wpcsout, mslocal to wpcsin.old, wpcsout.old, mslocal.old.
  4. (Optional) Steps for rebuilding the domain from the Primary domain:
    • Rename wpdomain.db to wpdomain.old
    • Connect to the Primary domain.
    • Right-click the secondary domain to rebuild, select GroupWise Utilities | System Maintenance | Rebuild Database.
    • Select Run - verify the path to the domain is correct.
  5. From a terminal window, start the MTA.
    (ie: rcgrpwise start DOM1)

GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA):

  1. From a terminal window, stop the GWIA:
    rcgrpwise stop <GWIA-name>
    (ie: rcgrpwise stop gwia.DOM1)
  2. Browse to the directory of the GWIA (<domainDirectory>/wpgate/<gwia>).
  3. Rename wpcsin, wpcsout to wpcsin.old, wpcsout.old.
    Please Note: When renaming the wpcsout, please take note of any subdirectories, EG gwi8e05 as these directories sometimes do not recreate
  4. From a terminal window, start the GWIA.
    (ie: rcgrpwise start gwia.DOM1)