Force disable IE compatibility mode server-side

  • 7013037
  • 12-Aug-2013
  • 12-Aug-2013


Novell GroupWise 2012
Microsoft Internet Explorer


Need to disable IE compatibility mode server-side, since other internal sites require compatibility mode.
Need to turn off compatibility view on the GW Webaccess 2012 website.
Turn off compatibility view for GW WA.

On internal workstations, with the Internet Explorer browser only the following is displayed:
Internet Explorer currently is running in Compatibility View.
Compatibility View is not supported by GroupWise WebAccess.
To turn off Compatibility View, click Tools, then click Compatibility View Settings. In the "Websites you've added" box, select the GroupWise WebAccess site, then click Remove.
Use WebAccess basic interface


At the time of this TID, GroupWise 12.0.3 is unavailable where this issue should be resolved.
Contact Novell Support for an updated WebAccess build that should resolve the issue for 12.0.2


Compatibility mode is no longer supported with GroupWise 2012.


Reported to Engineering