Different content count on primary servers with content replicated.

  • 7013026
  • 09-Aug-2013
  • 09-Aug-2013


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11 Support Pack 2 (11.2.3a) Content Software Distribution.

Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 Content


6 primary servers were configured to have content replicated. However, the “Total disk space Used for content†,  was different among different primary servers.  The expectation was to have exactly the same size.

Symptoms :

  • On the Zenworks Control Center console, check that all servers are included in replication Configuration→ Primary Server Replication
  • Check each server statistics “Total disk space Used for contentâ€:


After thorough investigation it was determined that this is working as designed, because the contents from the sandbox bundle versions are not replicated to the other primaries until explicitly specified as part of the sandbox settings. Apart from this, content sync only replicates the content from the published version of bundles and skips sync of any older version content if has extra contents.

An example: If bundle notpad1 is created on server2 has Sandbox, content will not be replicated to other servers until it is publish.

Default Sanbox setting:

If there is no bundle deployment failures or content delivery issues, the content synchronization discrepancies should not matter in this case.