zenworkswindowsservice.exe causing high cpu/memory utilization after installing image

  • 7013023
  • 08-Aug-2013
  • 08-Aug-2013


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2


ZCM Agent was installed in base OS of image. Laptop was imaged and upon reboot of device, the zenworkswindowsservice.exe with spike to 50-60% utilization. ZCM Agent is unresponsive, zac commands do not work, device is slow.

Imaging add on bundles contained one bundle with 15K pieces of content and another with 9K and a third with 6K.


This is fixed in version 11.2.2 - see KB 7010757 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7010757

Additional Information

As a workaround, creating the add on image bundles making them a "Single Piece of Content" resolved the issue.