Unable to connect to Mobility Server after a new install

  • 7012939
  • 24-Jul-2013
  • 04-Aug-2016


Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11


Unable to connect to Mobility Server after a new install
ERROR: "Unable to connect to server" on the device


  1. Determine if apache is using port 443:
    Type netstat -peanut | grep 443 | grep -i listen and press Enter.
    Note: It should show python using port 443. If it shows httpd/pre-fork, then apache2 is using it.

  2. (conditional) If httpd/pre-fork (apache2) is using this port and not python (gms), then please refer to TID 7015392 for available configuration workarounds.

Additional Information

Troubleshooting Steps:
  1. Type netstat -patune | grep 443 | grep listen -i and press Enter
  2. It should show python using port 443. If it shows httpd/pre-fork, then apache2 is using it