GWIA not sending or receiving mail

  • 7012936
  • 24-Jul-2013
  • 24-Jul-2013


Novell GroupWise 2012
Novell GroupWise 8


GWIA not listening on port 25.
GWIA unable to receive or send mail, no errors in logs.
No other processes or agents are blocking agent's bind to port 25 for the ip address of the server.


  1. ConsoleOne | Properties of the GWIA | GroupWise | Network Addresses | Select Bind Exclusively to TCP/IP Address
  2. Select Apply and then Close.
  3. Verify the GWIA is listening on port 25 for the IP address of the server:
    netstat -peanut | grep -i :25 | grep -i listen
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 2589049 24549/gwia        
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 0 9949    4061/master       
    tcp 0 0 ::1:25            :::*      LISTEN 0 9951    4061/master
  4. If necessary, restart the GWIA:
    rcgrpwise restart <gwia.domain>


GWIA is not binding to the IP address of the server.

Additional Information

It is acceptable for /master or postfix to be listening on port 25 using localhost or; however, it is important the GWIA is able to bind to port 25 for the local or public IP address of the server. See TID 7012749 for more information.