Identity Server and/or Access Gateway import fails on NAM 3.2 SP1 due to critical error "Evaluation code has been disabled"

  • 7012804
  • 08-Jul-2013
  • 09-Jul-2013


NetIQ Access Manager 3.2 SP1


Installation of the Identity Server and/or Access Gateway components completes successfully, but the import in the Administration Console does not happen.

The following error message is reported in catalina.out log file (/var/opt/novell/nam/logs/idp/tomcat for IDP and /var/opt/novell/nam/logs/mag/tomcat for AG)

A critical error has occurred during startup.  {0}Evaluation code has been disabled as of Sun, Jun 30, 2013.


The resolution is to upgrade to NetIQ Access Manager 3.2 SP2 and then re-import the installed component(s) as documented in the Installation Guide at the following link:


As per message in the log file, this is due to an evaluation code in use which expired on Sun, Jun 30, 2013.