NetIQ Change Guardian 4.0
NetIQ Change Guardian 4.0.1Change Guardian 5.1
Change Guardian 5.2
How to enable logging for the Change Guardian Windows Agent?
Log Collection instructions for the Change Guardian Windows Agent.
To enable and collect logs on the Windows agent follow the instructions below:
1) Logon to the windows machine that needs to have the logs collected.
2) Select Start\Run and type regedit.exe to open the registry.
3) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NetIQ\ChangeGuardian key and select it. If the machine is a 64bit machine the registry location will be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\NetIQ\ChangeGuardian instead.
4) Locate the logLevel value and change the value to 5 to increase the logging.
5) Go to Services and stop the NetIQ Change Guardian 4 service.
6) Go to Windows Explorer and under %Program Files%\NetIQ\Change Guardian\Log and select the LogFiles shortcut that is in this directory.
7) Rename or Delete the VigilentAgent_8094.log file in this directory.
8) Go to Services and start the NetIQ Change Guardian 4 Service.
9) Recreate the issue to be captured in the Windows Agent logs and allow the log to run no less than 15 minutes.
10) After the data has been captured in the log file, then go to %Program Files%\NetIQ\Change Guardian\Log and select the LogFiles shortcut that is in this directory. Capture a copy of the VigilentAgent_8094.log file and save it off to another location.
11) Go to Services and stop the NetIQ Change Guardian 4 service
12) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\NetIQ\ChangeGuardian key and select it. If the machine is a 64bit machine the registry location will be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\NetIQ\ChangeGuardian instead.
13) Locate the logLevel value and change the value back to 3 to decrease the logging level.
14) Go to Services and start the NetIQ Change Guardian 4 Service.
15) Send the collected log file(s) to technical support.
Troubleshooting any issue with the Windows agent performance may require this process to be performed.
Additional Information
Ensure that all logging levels are enabled for all product pieces before recreating the issue. This will ensure that an issue is tracked with all of the product pieces it is affecting.