Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
MTA eDirectory User Synchronization does not work for all the users
MTA eDirectory User Syncrhonization only goes through some users and finishes
Moving users using iManager does not get updated in GroupWise
Make sure MTA eDirectory synchronization is set up properly by following the document below
https://www.novell.com/documentation/groupwise2012/gw2012_guide_admin/?page=/documentation/groupwise2012/gw2012_guide_admin/data/akb1pzj.html -
If even after setting up correctly it does not go through all the users, please change the LDAP server to point to a different LDAP server preferably the Master of the Root
Launch ConsoleOne
Click Tools | GroupWise System Operations | LDAP Servers
Click Add and set up a new LDAP Server and point it to the Master of Root
Click OK
Click Tools | GroupWise System Operations | eDirectory User Synchronization
Highlight the Domain and click on Configure Agents
Highlight the Agent and click Set Up eDirectory Access
Highlight the new LDAP server that was just created and click on Set Preferred
Make sure the LDAP User Name and LDAP Password is set
Click OK
Click OK again
Click OK again