GroupWise Mobility Service
Nightly Maintenance goes through one user, immediately stops: nightly maintenance could not remove all the orphaned attachments because the time is up or the connector is stopped.
Nightly Maintenance fails overnight, not finishing or completing.
Start/Stop time cannot cross midnight to the end time.
Nightly Maintenance fails overnight, not finishing or completing.
Start/Stop time cannot cross midnight to the end time.
- Reconfigure /etc/datasync/configengine/engines/default/pipelines/pipeline1/connectors/mobility/connector.xml:
<databaseMaintenanceStartHour>0</databaseMaintenanceStartHour> <databaseMaintenance>1</databaseMaintenance> <databaseMaintenanceStopHour>23</databaseMaintenanceStopHour>
- Restart GroupWise Mobility services:
rcgms restart
Start/Stop time for Nightly Maintenance cannot cross midnight to the end time.