How to assoicate a GroupWise user with a new eDirectory account

  • 7012645
  • 19-Jun-2013
  • 18-Dec-2015


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012


How to associate a GroupWise user with a new eDirectory account.


This will all be done with ConsoleOne using the GroupWise snapins. Information about how to do each step is found in the GroupWise documentation:
1) Disassociate the NDS user object from the GroupWise user.
2) Rename the old NDS user object.
3) Associate the GroupWise user with a new NDS user object.
4) Compare the old NDS user object with the new NDS user object and add any missing information to the new NDS user object.
5) Assign a password to the new NDS user object.
6) Delete the old NDS user object.