Filr 1.0
- Login to the Filr user interface, on 8443, as admin.
- Go into the Admin Console, select User Accounts, click the drop down arrow for a user, select User Properties, click Home Folder, edit the path to another valid path, and hit Ok.
- Log out as admin, and back in as the user, that was just changed, and notice the Home Directory is pointing at the original path.
- Log out as the user, and back in as the admin, go into the Admin Console, select User Accounts, click the drop down arrow for a user, select User Properties, and notice the user's Home Folder path is back to the original path.
This is working as designed. Change the Home Directory path on the LDAP server.
When a LDAP user logs into Filr, Filr fetches the LDAP data for that user and updates the Home Directory path with the information stored in the LDAP server.
Additional Information
Additional functionality may be coming to this field in the future, so Development is going to leave it as it is.