1. Install the ORB, use the NOC install media, custom install. You do not
need a license.
2. On Unix, copy the attached customize.properties file for Unix to the tecorb
installation directory over the existing ./config/customize.properties. The
attachment name should indicate which file.
3. Copy the tecorb.properties from the attachments to ./config/templates, make
sure the overwrite the template version.
4. For windows, repeat steps which use the Windows attachment.
5. Run the customizer.
6. Change the IIOP Port setting, to something higher, so it won't conflict to
with NOC if it's running on the same machine. Example, 9976.
7. Change the relay port to something higher than the IIOP port by ten or more
port numbers. Example, 9988.
8. Start the orb. ./bin/tecorb or ./bin/tecorb.bat
9. Check ./logs/tecorb.logs, there should be no errors or exceptions.
For Windows, you will have to manually install the service:
1. Start a DOS box as Administrator. This is required.
2. Run this command, the space between binpath= is required.
sc create "Novell Operations Center TecORB" binpath= "d:\tecorb -zglaxservice
3. Refresh the services window
4. Set the service properties as needed.
* Call into NOC Support for the files needed here to manually customize.