Add a new Event Destination

  • 7012464
  • 23-May-2013
  • 29-Aug-2013


NetIQ Change Guardian 4.0


How to route events to a Sentinel Server?
How to route events to multiple servers or locations?
Can events be routed to a production Server from a test environment?
Can agents  send events to a new location?


To route events to a new location, the new location needs to be added as a new event destination.  See below for instructions:
1) Go to the Policy Editor and login.
2) Then go to Settings\Event Destination
3) The Event Destination Configuration window will pop up.  Select the ADD button on the bottom of this window.
4) Enter a Name for the new event destination.
5) Leave the Model as default REST Dispatcher.
6) Provide a valid HOST name.
7) Enter the port to communicate with the new destination.  (8443 is the default for Change Guardian Server)
8) Username and Password must be valid accounts on the target server for the new event destination.
9) Select OK and now the new event destination will appear as a row in the list of Event Destinations.
10) Set the desired event destination to be your default for all new policies by selecting the desired event destination and then selecting Make Default at the bottom of the wizard.   
11)Select Close to close the window.  Then go to the Policy Assignment node under Change Guardian.
12) Select a group or computer that has had a previous policy assigned and select Assign Policies at the bottom of the Policy Editor window.
13) The Assign Policies and Policy Sets window will appear.  Highlight the desired policy and then select the Advanced button at the bottom of the screen.
14) The Advanced Settings window will appear displaying the Event Destinations tab.
15) Check or uncheck the desired event destinations you wish to have events delivered to for this agent/policy combination.


Adding a new event destination can be prompted by also having Sentinel installed in the environment.  Also, if there is a need to move one Change Guardian Server to a new installation this would be needed.  Another reason to add other event destinations would be to simply increase the locations where the events will appear based off of need.