Turn the Analysis Engine off (by simply clicking the Off option) then click Save.
Infrastructure Criticality
Automatically escalates an Incident to a Problem if an Incident's Item criticality is equal to or greater than the value selected here.
Additional Information
Incident Analyzer
Relevant to Organizations with system implementations using Problem Management.
The Incident Analyzer menu is used to set parameters to provide proactive Incident and Problem analysis. The Analysis Engine automates inter-process escalation between the Incident and Problem Processes. It automatically groups similar Incidents into a Problem based on the criteria set in the Incident Analyzer tab. Also, the Analysis Engine is able to retrieve Problems relevant to an Incident and present them for consideration.
A Problem is used to manage a number of Incidents related to one cause or Incidents associated with highly critical Items. Problems are managed through the Problem Management Process.
Configuring the Incident Analyzer
To configure the Incident Analyzer:
Select CMS>Incident Analyzer
Click On to enable the Analysis Engine
The Analyzer screen expands.
Enable the relevant Analyzer functions
Define the relevant parameters for one or all of the following options:
Full Text Matching
Searches for matching text between Incidents and Problems. We recommend the Relevance percentage be set between 75-80%.
Item Classification
Searches Incidents based on matching the Item and Problem Classifications. If the number of Incidents entered in the Problem Threshold is met within the Time Interval entered, a new Problem will be created.
Item Type Classification
Searches by matching Item Type and Problem Classification of Incidents. If the matching number of incidents in the Problem Threshold for the Time Interval is met, a new Problem is created.
Note: We expect either Item/Classification or Item Type/Classification would be used exclusively.
Infrastructure Impact
Automatically escalates an Incident to a Problem if the number of related Items affected by the Incident is equal to or greater than the value entered here.
Infrastructure Criticality
Automatically escalates an Incident to a Problem if an Incident's Item criticality is equal to or greater than the value selected here. Select the criticality level from the drop-down list.
Problem Impact
Used to calculate the relevant impact rating that is assigned to an auto-created Problem.
Multiplying by 4 the number entered in the Weighting field will give the required number of Affected Users for the problem to have the highest Problem Impact of Severe.
The system calculates the number of Affected Users on the number of owners attached to an Item.
An integer between 1-6 for the Problem Weighting is recommended.
Problem Urgency
Used to calculate the relevant urgency rating that is assigned to an auto-created Problem.
Applied when a new Problem is created or an Incident is added to an existing Problem.
Multiply by 4 the number entered in the Weighting field to get the required number of current Incidents or Problems for the rating of Urgent to be applied.
An integer between 1-4 for Problem Urgency is recommended.
Click Save.