2 - Navigate to User > Organizational Units
3 - Use the Filter to display 'ALL' (both Departments (Organization Units) and Organizations will be displayed.) Note: Organization Units are displayed as ''Organization Name - Department Name''
4 - Select the Organization Unit that needs to have rooms. In order to make the rooms show up on the Incident Summary labelled as Room, and with the value as the Room Number, create the rooms with the appropriate number for the name.
5 - Click the Rooms tab, then click Edit. A New button should be displayed below. Click New and enter the room number, then click Save to the right. Repeat for any rooms needed and then click Done below.
6 - Navigate to Configuration > Items, and click on an item that will be added the Organization Unit (from step 4).
7 - Click Edit. Click the Find icon next (to Find Organization Unit). Select the Organization Unit to assign. (Be sure to select the ''Organization - Department/Organization Unit'' (modified in step 4 above) and not just the Organization or you will not be able to proceed with step 8)
8 - Scroll down. A drop down box will be seen, labeled Room. If the correct Organization Unit is selected containing the room numbers. Select one of the Rooms from the drop down and click Save, followed by Done.
9 - Click the Incident tab to test where the Room number is seen that was just selected, which will show up on the incident summary page for incidents assigned to that Item. Click New. Select any customer, on the Find Item section, select All Items, and click the search icon below. Select the same item which was selected above in step 6 by clicking on the item # link. Click Next. Assign a classification, enter a test description, and click Done. (If Forced Analysis is on, click Done again.)
10 - Notice how an incident has been created and under the Item section, the Room is now displayed and the number is assigned as the room name and is also displayed.
Note: Navigate to this Preference Toggle: Admin > Setup > Privileges > Customer > ''Display Room'' to ensure it is set to Yes in order to display the Room for an Item when creating a Request for a Customer.
Additional Information
Organizational Units
Customers can be assigned to a Company within the system. This can be refined by allocating the Customer to a Department, and if relevant, to a specific Room. This information is stored within the Organizational Unit details.
Companies can exist without Departments, but Departments and Rooms can only be created as part of Company information.
Departments Tab
The Departments tab allows Company group information to be refined. Departments are created for a Company within the Departments Tab.
Creating a Department
To create a Department:
Click New
Enter the Department Name
Enter other details, if required
Select Handshaking override option, if relevant
If the System Default Handshaking Close Action days is to be adjusted for the Org. Unit, select Yes in the Handshaking Override field. Enter the number of Days to lapse before a request will close if the Customer does not respond to the handshake email notification.Click Done
The system will move to the Department Editor, to allow Rooms to be added to the Department.
Select the Rooms tab if Rooms are to be added immediately
Click Edit
Enter the Room details
Click Save
Rooms Tab
To expand Department details, Room locations can be created. This allows Customers to be assigned to specific locations within an Organizational Unit. The Rooms tab is only visible for Department Org Units that are accessed through the Org.Unit filter of the Org Unit list.
Adding a Room to a Department
To add a Room to a Department: