NetIQ Security Manager 6.5.4
After upgrading to 6.5.4, the NetIQ Security Manager service will not start.
Error that shows up in the Windows NT Application Log:
31021 error: Could not locate registry entry for Log Manager component. Registry Key: SOFTWARE\NetIQ\Security Manager\DASServer Value Name: DataSource
For 32 bit windows servers, add 2 reg keys to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetIQ\Security Manager\DasServer
String Value
Should contain the name of the OnePoint database.
String Value
Should contain the name of the SQL server (including named instance if it's not the default) hosting the OnePoint database.
For 64bit windows servers, the keys are the same, but the path is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NetIQ\Security Manager\DasServer
Once done, restart all the NetIQ Security Manager services.
*If either is incorrect, the service will fail with several DAS errors as it will be unable to contact the database properly.