NetIQ AppManager Enterprise 8.0
In the event that a component fails you may need to collect a crash dump to analyze the source of the failure. In Windows 2008 Dr. Watson was replaced with Problem Reports and Solutions. When an application fails in Windows 2008, the crash details are handled by Problem Reports and Solutions.
For Windows 2008, use Problem Reports and Solutions to collect a crash dump:
Click Start, then in the search area type "Problem Reports and Solutions"
In Problem Reports and Solutions, click View Problem History
Under "Problems Windows has identified", find the failure you wish to diagnose and double click
In the resulting window, look for "Files that help describe the problem"
If found, click on "View a temporary copy of these files" to launch an explorer window with those files
Copy the files to another location, zip them up and send them to Technical Support
In some instances there will be no files to browse when looking at the details of a crash. This is especially true on Windows 2008 R2. In those instances and for Windows 2008 R2, use the following instructions:
Launch Regedit
Browse to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Error Reporting
Create a new key called LocalDumps
In the LocalDumps key, create a new REG_EXPAND_SZ called DumpFolder and set the value to an existing path on the system where you want to write the crash dump files
Create a new REG_DWORD called DumpCount and give it a decimal value of 10
Create a new REG_DWORD called DumpType and give it a decimal value of 2
These steps will have the system store full dumps in the path you specified. For more information on these registry settings, see this Microsoft MSDN article : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787181(VS.85).aspx