Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11
Bundle assignment remains after Removing device or specific patch from mandatory baseline.
This is working as designed. When a patch bundle is created and assignednto a dynamic group, all those assignments are created as direct assignments to the devices which are part of that group.
For security purposes, the assignment is not removed even if a device or patch are removed from the mandatory baseline.
However sometimes it is necessary to do this if an urgent need arises (bad patch etc.).
In 11.2.3 and later, a new zman command is available for urgent need to remove a patch from the mandatory baseline and delete all assignments. The new zman command is zman prb:
(patch-remove-baseline) ("Full patch name")
First use ZCC to remove the patch from the baseline, then run the zman.
First use ZCC to remove the patch from the baseline, then run the zman.
Additional Information
Note: on 11.2.3 Linux primary platform, the zman prb command is unrecognized. To fix this problem, copy patch.conf from /opt/novell/zenworks/conf/zman/resources to /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/zman/resources/. Run chown zenworks.zenworks and chmod 755 on destination file /etc/opt/novell/zenworks/zman/resources/patch.conf .