Does ZCM Image Explorer (imgexp) work with the High Performance NTFS Driver (Tuxera)?

  • 7011901
  • 08-Mar-2013
  • 10-Mar-2014


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 Imaging


  • Can Image Explorer be used to create an image that will be delivered with the High Performance NTFS Driver (Tuxera)?
  • Is there a problem if the Image Explorer is used to add files to an image that was taken with the High Performance NTFS Driver?
  • If partition information (such as size) for an image that was taken with the High Performance NTFS Driver is amended using the Image Explorer, will it still work with the High Performance NTFS Driver?


Currently, the Image Explorer does not have the capability to add files to an image that will be delivered using the High Performance NTFS Driver.
  • Any image created from scratch using the Image Explorer will be delivered using the legacy driver only (which is much slower than the High Performance NTFS Driver)
  • Removing Files using Image Explorer will prevent those files from being copied during the imaging process and may reduce imaging time though it will not reduce the size of the image on the imaging server.
  • The Purge function in Image Explorer will keep the image in the Tuxera File Format or Legacy File Format.
  • Any files added to an image which was taken with the High Performance NTFS Driver will be delivered using the legacy driver, but the other files will still be delivered using the High Performance NTFS Driver: however there is a performance implication because it takes time to switch back and forth between the two drivers
  • Amending partition information for an image that was taken an image that was taken with the High Performance NTFS Driver will not prevent the image form being delivered using the High Performance NTFS Driver.