Novell iFolder
Renaming a Windows Folder that IS an iFolder Reverts the Folder to a Normal Folder
Duplication Steps:
1.) Windows folder converted to iFolder and synchronized. 2.) From Windows explorer, rename folder (in this duplication the change was done from the desktop) 3.) Note: iFolder logo is now gone from the folder, as seen from Windows Explorer 4.) Right-click on folder, from Windows Explorer, notice the option now: Convert to iFolder. Select this option 5.) iFolder created with name of new folder.
This has been reported to engineering.
Possible Interim Workaround:
When this happens the data and iFolder on the server-side remains, but is no longer tied to that folder on the workstation (i.e. the iFolder can be downloaded again from the server with the former name).
To convert the renamed folder on the workstation side to an iFolder it is necessary to right click on the folder and select 'Convert to iFolder', as if creating a new iFolder. Let the data sync to the server. Once everything has synchronized to the server with the new iFolder name, the iFolder with the old name may be deleted.
NOTE: When the iFolder is deleted from the server, the deletion is permanent, make sure that the new Folder name completely synchronized everything to the server.