From what location can I download SSManager.exe?
Alternatively, SSManager can be downloaded directly from here.
To install, select the correct build for your system (32 or 64 bit), and copy the dll files into C:\Windows\System32.
Additional Information
SS Client flies will already exist on workstations where SecureLogin was installed with the the option to include SecretStore. There is no separate install for the SecretStore client. It is installed as part of the SecureLogin installation on workstations where the “SecretStore” check box was selected during the install. Check the SecureLogin “About” dialog to verify the presence of SecretStore; if the SecretStore client is present, the primary data store will include the word “SecretStore.”
SecretStore on the file server is a part of eDirectory, and is loaded by default when eDirectory is loaded. There is no separate download for server-side SecretStore files.