This is only seen in Redhat 64-bit environments. The iManager installer performs a JAVA call to determine the platform. While SLES correctly reports its osVersion and osArch, Redhat incorrectly returns the os.Arch as "i386".
1. Prior to beginning the installation disable SELinux via the "set enforce0" command. After the installation issue the command "set enforce1" to reenable it.
2. Modify the iManager/installs/linux/platform/platforms.xml file to reflect the correct Redhat OS version with the incorrect os.Arch type. Take care to add the new section outside of the comments section. Then resume the installation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<platform type="linux">
<osName>Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8</osName>
<platform type="linux">
<osName>SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12</osName>
<platform type="linux">
<osName>Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3</osName>