How do I apply or update the license key in Sentinel?
How do I upgrade my Sentinel license key?
How do I upgrade my trial Sentinel license key to a permanent Sentinel license key?
An updated license key can be obtained either through your account rep, sales rep, or on your novell customer care site. The customer care site can be found at https://secure-www.novell.com/center. You will need to create a Novell logon to enter your customer care site. Once you have obtained your license key, follow these steps to apply it.
1. Open you Sentinel web interface E.g. https://Ip_address:8443
2. logon the Sentinel with an admin account
3. go to the top right of the screen and click on "about"
4. click licenses and click the add license button at the bottom of the page.
5. Add the new license and click save.
6. you will have the option to delete the old or expired license but sentinel will still use the new license regardless.