NetIQ Change Guardian for Active Directory 1.8.x
How do I apply or update my NetIQ Change Guardian for Active Directory (CGAD) software license?
How do I apply or update the license key in Change Guardian for Active Directory (CGAD)?
How do I upgrade my CGAD license key?
How do I upgrade my trial CGAD license key to a permanent CGAD license key?
How do I apply or update the license key in Change Guardian for Active Directory (CGAD)?
How do I upgrade my CGAD license key?
How do I upgrade my trial CGAD license key to a permanent CGAD license key?
License keys for NetIQ Change Guardian for Active Directory (CGAD) are applied in Security Manager:
To add additional licenses to an existing license in Security Manager:
1. Launch the Monitor Console or Development Console.
2. Expand Configuration.
3. Click Global Settings.
4. Click Licenses in the right pane.
5. On the Action menu, click Properties.
6. Click Apply New Licenses.
7. Browse to or type the location of the new license file.
8. Click OK.
To remove the current license and add a new license.
To remove the current license and add a new license.
1. Go to SQL Server Manager Studio run the following query: use onepoint delete license
Note: the above query removes all of the licenses from your license table so be sure that any new or old licenses that need to be re-added are readily available.
Note: the above query removes all of the licenses from your license table so be sure that any new or old licenses that need to be re-added are readily available.
2. Open Development Console. Instead of the development console opening, a license window will appear.
3. Click Apply New Licenses.
4. Browse to or type the location of the new license file.
5. Click OK.
Note: Updating your license file does not require you to restart the computer for changes to take effect.
Note: Updating your license file does not require you to restart the computer for changes to take effect.
Note: If the current license is a temp/trial type license and the user is trying to install a production license, they must first delete the current license.
Note: Licenses for other apps that sit on top of Security Manager should be installed last. E.g. CGGP, CGW, CGAD,etc.