NetIQ Aegis 2.x
The Aegis setup program does not require a license key for installation. By default, the setup program installs a fully functional installation with a trial license that allows you to evaluate Aegis for 30 days. After 30 days, Aegis provides a 30-day grace period, during which you see a notification of the grace period each time you log on to Aegis. The environment in which you install Aegis determines the installation type.
Trial Environment
You can evaluate Aegis in a “full trial” environment that meets production environment prerequisites or in a “proof of concept” environment that does not meet production standards.
Production Environment
When you deploy Aegis in your production environment, you can install the production license key in the Configuration Console immediately after installation or at any time during the 30-day trial period (in the case of a "full trial" that meets production environment prerequisites). For more information about obtaining license keys, contact your NetIQ sales representative.
To apply a new or updated License for NetIQ Aegis 2.x
NOTE: Once an Aegis Trial License has been upgraded to a Permanent license, that license type can never be reverted back to a Trial License. The Add License Tool will not accept a Trial License in this situation.
Launch the NetIQ Aegis Configuration Console (AeCC).
In the Navigation pane of the AeCC, select the Administration view.
In the Administration view of the Navigation pane, select Licenses.
In the Tasks pane (far right of the console), select Add New License...
In the Add New License tool, click Browse... and browse to your new or updated License file.
Select the updated License file, and click Open.
In the Add New License tool, click OK.
Your new or updated License should now be displayed in the Licenses view of the AeCC.