Novell iPrint for Linux
You want to change the name and/or context of the print manager and driver store objects.
Delete and recreate the Driver Store and Print Manager objects. Prior to deleting the Print Manager, a backup of the Print Manager XML file should be made. The XML file will be used to recreate the Print Manager and all the printer agents. The steps below outline how to accomplish that.
Make a back up of the /var/opt/novell/iprint/<OriginalPrintManager.and.context>.psm directory.
- Copy the /var/opt/novell/iprint/<OriginalPrintManager.and.context>.psm/padbtxt.xml to the /tmp directory.
- Modify the padbtxt.xml.
- Find an example of the Print Manager name and context within the XML file.
Do a find/replace for the original Print Manager and context for the new name and context.
Change the Driver Store name and/or context (if you want the Driver Store object name or context to change).
- Save the change.
- Import the modified XML
- This step should be performed during scheduled down time.
- OES2 Instructions:
- Verify iprntman can authenticate
- Execute the following authentication test command at a terminal (putty or otherwise) while logged in as root
- Syntax:
- iprntman psm -l -u <administrator user>
- Replace <administrator user> with a user which has supervisor rights to the containers where the print manager and printer agents will reside. Also, this user must be LUM enabled on this Linux server. Do not provide the context of the user. An example entry is: admin
- iprntman psm -l -u <administrator user>
- Example:
- iprntman psm -l -u admin
- Syntax:
- If the iprntman fails to authenticate, do not proceed.
- Execute the following authentication test command at a terminal (putty or otherwise) while logged in as root
- Shut down the Print Manager.
- rcnovell-ipsmd stop
- Delete the Print Manager object using iManager
- iManager -> iPrint -> Delete iPrint Object
- This operation will also delete all of the:
- printer agent eDir objects associated to this print manager throughout the tree
- configuration files associated to this print manager, including the .psm directory.
- This operation will also delete all of the:
- iManager -> iPrint -> Delete iPrint Object
Delete and recreate the Driver Store object using iManager (if you want the Driver Store object name or context to change).
Import the modified XML
iprntman psm --xml-import /tmp/padbtxt.xml -u <administrator user>
- Verify iprntman can authenticate
- OES11 Instructions:
- Shut down the Print Manager.
- rcnovell-ipsmd stop
- Delete the Print Manager object using iManager
- iManager -> iPrint -> Delete iPrint Object
- This operation will also delete all of the
- printer agent eDir objects associated to this print manager throughout the tree
- configuration files associated to this print manager, including the .psm directory.
- This operation will also delete all of the
- iManager -> iPrint -> Delete iPrint Object
Delete and recreate the Driver Store object using iManager (if you want the Driver Store object name or context to change).
Import the modified XML
- /opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /tmp/padbtxt.xml -u <administrator user>
- Replace <administrator user> with a user and its context in LDAP distinguished format. The user needs supervisor rights to the containers where the print manager and printer agents will reside. An example of the username format is: cn=admin,o=novell
- /opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /tmp/padbtxt.xml -u <administrator user>
- After the XML is done importing, start the print manager
- rcnovell-ipsmd start
- Shut down the Print Manager.
Additional Information
Simply renaming the Print Manager object in iManager or ConsoleOne is not sufficient. The original name and context is stored in several locations throughout eDirectory. For example, the Print Manager name and context is stored within each Printer Agent's iPrintManager attribute. It can also be stored in Print Agents as an ACL Additionally, the Print Manager name and context is stored in configuration files and names of directories. For these reasons, it is easier, faster, and safer to delete the Print Manager object and let it get recreated with the desired name and/or context.