Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux
While using Novell FTP's "remote server" feature, success will occur with a command and remote server path in the format:
cd //server1/vol/path
But may fail in the format:
cd //server1.domain.com/vol/path
Code improvements have been made to handle full domain names in remote server paths.
For OES 2 SP3, update the pure-ftpd package to at least 1.0.22-0.30.1. This is available in the SLES 10 SP4 update channel, as of mid December 2012.
For OES 11, apply OES 11 SP1. This will replace pure-ftpd with novell-oes-pure-ftpd, which contains the change.