Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Windows Phone 8 Mobile Devices unable to connect to Mobility Pack server
Windows Phone 8 Mobile Devices require a security policy to connect to Mobility Pack Server
Please make sure to upgrade to Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.2.5 or later. Mobility Pack 1.2.5 or later can be downloaded from https://download.novell.com/patch/finder
Make sure that either a certificate from Third Party is being used or a Self Signed Certificate. If Third Party Certificate is not being used, please follow the steps listed below to create a Self Signed Certificate with the correct DNS Name
https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7007674 -
If a self signed certificate is being used, follow the sub-steps listed below
Copy /var/lib/datasync/device/mobility.pem to /var/lib/datasync/webadmin/server.pem (This step was mentioned in the the TID listed above)
Restart DataSync webadmin (rcdatasync-webadmin restart)
Launch https://IPAddressOfMobilityServer:8120 from the Windows 8 Device and import the certificate in Trusted Root Certification Authorities
Please follow the steps listed below on the Windows device:
Remove the user account
Restart device
Readd the user account